Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Art Journal Pages

I journal about everyday things, emotions en events. These pages are not different from that. My son is a great inspiration to journal about, but you already know that don't you ;-). The fist page is about him, he just cannot sit still :-). I love the flowers, it's the back of a rejected background. There are always splatters of paint and color wash on them, I actually love the backs of my backgrounds. The second page is about my insecurity in friendships :-(

Bezige bij
Busy Bee
Ik ben niet leuk genoeg
I'm not fun enough


  1. Fantastic pages, great colors and images again.

  2. Ooooh ze zijn weer super leuk/ lief.

    De tweede is wel een beetje zielig hoor :-(

    xx Tesa
